Thursday, September 10, 2009

Comfort in the character of God

It has been hectic... hasn't it?
The world is changing - fast. So fast, in fact, that few of us have the ability to keep up. The world of business is sped up by the tech world which seems to have pole vaulted past a sane speed of innovation.
All of this means (at least) one thing.  We need to spend every moment with our Lord.
"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10
It doesn't mean that we should stand like statues all day... that would make us unproductive. Static is something God is not too pleased with us being. Nor does it mean that we should sit quietly in a dark room "waiting for that still small voice".  No, what God is saying to us through His Word is that He is in control.  He has the power to right the wrongs and heal the hurts.
Is there anxiety?  Be still and know that He is God and in control.
Is there trouble?  Be still and know that He is God and He cares for  
Is there cause for concern?  Be still and know that He is God and He  
will provide.
Why can we take refuge in Him?
Because He is God.

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