Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Quiet Rebuke…

I don’t know about you, but I am having an amazing day! Finished my sermon earlier than expected, spent some time with my two eldest daughters, had a great time recording a member’s testimony on video, and had a very informational and edifying meeting this morning with the Youth and Adults Ministry Team. I was walking home earlier today and was just singing God’s praises. I then broke out in audible thanks to God for being so good to me. And then I stopped… motionless… as the Spirit of God touched me in a very, very humbling way. HE IS ALWAYS GOOD AND HE IS ALWAYS GOOD TO ME.

I remember what a professor of mine told me, “Matthew chapter 5 records the beatitudes… not the do-atitudes.” His point really made sense to me today!

Happiness is a state of being, and we are complete in Christ!

and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority.
(Col 2:10, ESV)

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