Thursday, June 7, 2012

The soothing voice of the Shepherd John 6:19-21

So when they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near the boat; and they were afraid. But He said to them,"It is I; do not be afraid." Then they willingly received Him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land where they were going. John 6:19-21

So... there is a Guy walking to you in the middle of a huge lake.  A man is walking toward you.  Now, you are an experienced fisherman and, in your experience, PEOPLE DO NOT WALK A FEW MILES ON TOP OF WATER.  Of course you would be a little scared... if not completely terrified.  

Enter the soothing voice of the Shepherd.  It was the voice of the Protector... the Master... the Lord.  It was the voice of the One who will die for the sins of the world and conquer death, sin, and the grave.  

And it still is.  When life throws you something terrifying, or just out of the ordinary... listen for the voice of the Shepherd.


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