Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Change is in the air

By now, I assume, everyone has heard the news that America is has elected a new president. There are many that are undoubtedly upset and others that are absolutely elated. My personal convitions and biases aside, let me stress the following:

The Lord is in control, not the president.
The Lord is in control, not the voters.
The Lord is in control, not circumstance.
The Lord is in control, not the media.
The Lord is in control, not fate.
The Lord is in control, not the economy.

When we view the world through the lens of the Scriptures, history has a different flavor and is far more digestible.

Psalm 93:1 (NIV)
The LORD reigns, he is robed in majesty;

the LORD is robed in majesty

and is armed with strength.

The world is firmly established;

it cannot be moved.

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