Monday, October 27, 2008

Sunday Morning Round-up (Evening Edition)

I am so humbled by the responses I get from people. More than that, I am truly amazed that the Lord would use such an unworthy vessel to be a minister of the Word of God. Here is a recap, as I see it:

- The Music ministry moved my spirit. (I always feel strange saying things like that, but you know what? I was moved by the passion of the musicians and the truth of the lyrics.)

- The media booth is complete, so the balcony was opened up again.

- This morning we studies plagues 4 – 9 in the Book of the Exodus. WOW!!!

- The Adult Sunday School 2 went very, very well. We are developing a nice and intimate group.

- What can I say about the message this morning…? I’m a little biased.


Get ready for a few surprises!

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