I just finished Charles Stone's most recent work 5 MINISTRY KILLERS AND HOW TO DEFEAT THEM. What struck me as particularly refreshing was the fact that Stone did not use this work as a medium to vent his frustrations. No, instead the author seeks to be a blessing (go figure) and help move disgruntled or struggling co-shepherds to a place where they can be effective.
He covers everything from passive-aggressive behavior from shepherds who are hurting, to bullies who try to run the church from the pews. It seems that the struggles and trials pastors go through are pretty similar across the board, albeit the intensity of the struggles vary. So... what are the FIVE MINISTRY KILLERS?
1. Head-in-the-sand mentality. (ignoring the struggle you face)
2. Misdirected emotional investment. (focusing our energy and investing emotional capital on issues that the Bible does not place high value on)
3. Unhealthy responses to ministry killers. (we must learn to respond to struggles in a healthy way)
4. An attitude that "God and I can handle this." (not relying on the Word of God or the God of the Word)
5. Lonely, hurting wives. (your marriage is not something the Lord delights in you sacrificing for ministry)
Stone offers some sage advice... which, of course, you will have to read for yourself.
I recommend this book to ALL pastors and those members/attenders of churches that want their pastor to thrive in ministry.
Be blessed y'all... be a blessing.
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