I recently finished A SPIRITUAL AWAKENING by my friend Tommie Zito. This book has the potential to set your heart on fire for the Gospel.
Probably the most sobering word to me personally was:
So, if the light is stronger than darkness, we have nothing to fear. Therefore, if the church, who is inhabited by the light, enters a dark world, the darkness must be overcome by the light. What I have come to realize though, is that the church is trying to do everything they can to keep the light to themselves. (p. 149)
Let me take my previous statement back... what I quoted above is not sobering as much as it is crushing.
As I look back through the book, I can see that it is full of notes and is highlighted more than it isn't.
Bottom line: If you want to have your relationship with Christ strengthened and your love for the comfort of the world challenged... read A SPIRITUAL AWAKENING!
It just might be an awakening for you.
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