Tuesday, February 2, 2010

David –vs- Goliath 01-17-10

1 Samuel 17
David –vs- Goliath
01-17-10 @ Bethany Baptist Church

This week we looked at a very familiar story... David and his battle with Goliath.

(NOTE: The audio, for some reason, does not correspond to the video in segments. I apologize.)

01-17-10 from Chris Johnson on Vimeo.

Here are a few points and questions to ponder from this text:

- God chooses what we go through; we choose how we go through it. (John Maxwell)

- David’s boldness came from his trust in the Word of God.

- David allowed his theology to interpret his circumstance; we would be wise to do the same.

- God is still looking for men and women after His own heart… will you be one of them?

And probably the greatest truth of this passage is:

- God is not bound by your deficiencies… He is glorified through them.


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