Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Two videos from this Sunday

Below are two videos from this Sunday:

1) Two missions presentations.

2) A mini-sermon on Acts 1:1 - 9.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Today is the Day

As many of you know, I write children's fiction in my spare time (well... what ever spare time I find hiding in the corner).  Today I am formatting several query letters to potential literary agents.  For those who have no idea what a query letter is CLICK ON THESE WORDS.

At any rate, it sure has been a fun ride and I am looking forward to seeing how it all pans out.

Before the questions come, here is a run down of the work I have been working on:
Picture Books (2) - Manuscripts... not art.
Middle School Aged Fiction (2)
Historical Fiction (2)
General Fiction (1)

The one headed to the agents is a picture book manuscript.

And for those wondering how you beat writer's block... well... there are really only two ways:
1.  Write around it.
2. Follow the visual instruction below.

Have a great day...!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


A survey of Christology from Genesis to Revelation

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

With a little practice...


There are, of course, some things you can never, EVER do.   

Take flying without the aid of a plane as a for instance.  

But, as we learn from the NT, there are certain things you can do to grow as a Christian.

1.  Read the Word. 

2.  Tell others about Jesus.

3.  Fellowship with godly influences.

That is simply a sample of what you can do.  And as cool as it is to do insane tricks on a bike... godliness is far more profitable.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sermon 09 - 12 - 10

sermon 09-12-10 from Chris Johnson on Vimeo.

Be blessed y'all... be a blessing!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Random-ish Thought

After reading through the Bible, one conclusion is that the Father has
a very high opinion of His Son. I wonder if we share that opinion?

A Teachable Moment

Last week the FAB 5 and I went apple picking. (I'm glad they don't weigh you when you get there...!)

At some point, Dannia (the oldest of the bunch) said, "Daddy, this is a good tree." I thought to myself, "Thank you Lord. I can think of no better situation to tell them about you." For the next several minutes we talked about good fruit and bad fruit, and what Jesus said about false teachers in Matthew 7.

Granted, this teachable moment was rather obvious, but I wonder how many teachable moments are surrounding us? Are we looking for them?

Be blessed... be a blessing!

(sent from a mobile device)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Kingdom for... some clarity?

I have been engaged in a dialog with some brothers in Christ over the phrase "the kingdom". What does it mean? Does it matter? Please alow me a few minutes to prime the pump, as asking "what is the kingdom?" is tantamount to asking why America has so much debt... it needs a back-drop.

As we examine Scripture, one of the things that become clearer and clearer is God's sovereignty. But this is not presented in some abstract sense at all. "God is in control" has, unfortunately, become somewhat of a mantra... the thing one says when they feel helpless. The truth is, however, that Jesus really is in control. A simple reading of the Bible makes the case that God is very much interested in the affairs of His creation.

George N. H. Peters (a Lutheran minister in the 1800's) coined the term THE THEOCRATIC KINGDOM. That is probably the most succinct, albeit somewhat ambiguous, phraseology to date. Basically God created all things and, by virtue of His continued interaction with creation, rules over it. God then delegated certain areas of management (stewardship if you will) to man.

(Note: this is the crux of the dispensational framework we operate under.)

Because of man's failure to comply with the over-arching THEOCRATIC KINGDOM (rule), The Lord has changed the status of the servant as well as the scope of his/her/their domain. Life, for the managers, got more and more complicated and dangerous, but to be fair... it was a self-inflicted wound.

Flash forward a millennium or two: God called Abram out of Ur to form (what would become) a counter culture. This nation would demonstrate the THEOCRATIC KINGDOM to the other nations. As you may know by now... they failed. Israel went into captivity. God, knowing full well that they would fail, provided hope through the promise of a Savior (The Messiah) many years prior to the aforementioned failure. As the managers continued to fail (again, the crux of the dispensational framework), the identity of the Messiah came into greater and greater focus.

Now... here is the tricky part... when the Messiah (Jesus) was revealed, He started talking about the Kingdoms. Kingdoms... you mean, plural? Yes.

Jesus taught about the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven. What exactly did Jesus mean in John 18 = "My kingdom is not of this world"? Certainly this Jesus is the same Son of David that will rule and reign on the throne in Israel... right? Yep... one in the same. Jesus taught two different groups about two different Kingdoms and that is where most of the confusion (as far as I can tell) comes from.

To Israel, Jesus made an offer of the Messianic Reign of the Son of David. That Kingdom is one of righteousness and justice (hence the content of the "Sermon on the Mount"). After His rejection by the religious elite of His day, Jesus, knowing full well about the coming of the crucifixion, turns His teaching to the more immediate... the church. The organism that is to function as the ultimate in creation-management... the one with Messiah operating as the head (thus explaining all this business about Peter being a fisher of men and why the "kingdom is like a mustard seed").

There it is, in a nut-shell... If it seems rant-ish, I apologize.

So there you have it... we have discussed the "what?" of the Kingdom.

The question now is... "what am I supposed to do now"? And that has an easy answer: Follow Jesus

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

To y'all, with love

It sure has been a while.
(evidenced by the lack of blog-posts and my silly poke at the title of Sidney Poitier's 1967 classic)


Here is the introduction to an article I am reading called

A collision of two empires part 1

Jesus Christ has never been a social activist or a moral philosopher. To pitch Him that way is to drain His glory and dilute His excellence. While justice is important, justice apart from Christ is a dead thing. The only battering ram that can storm the gates of hell is not the cry of justice, but the name of Jesus. Jesus Christ is the embodiment of justice, peace, holiness, righteousness, and every other virtue.
Christ is the sum of all spiritual things, the “strange attractor” of the cosmos. When Jesus becomes an abstraction, faith loses its reproductive power. “Jesus did not come to make bad people good. He came to make dead people live.”

Now... while you may not agree with the author's drive through the rest of the article, what he pointedly states in this openning is nothing less that poetic genious. 

Are we in the wrong to desire righteousness?  I think not.

Friday, September 3, 2010